We've updated and added new channels to ROMANIA bouquet. Some of the new channels are: VIP RO: Digi 4K UHDVIP RO: DocuBox HDVIP RO: Discovery ID HDVIP RO: Happy Channel HDVIP RO: History HDVIP RO: Look Sport FHDVIP RO: Look Sport 2 HDVIP RO: Look Sport 3 HDVIP RO: Comedy EST HDVIP RO: DTX HDVIP RO: Mooz Dance FHDVIP RO: MOOZ RO! HDVIP RO: ...
We've updated and added new channels to the CAUCASUS bouquet. The new channels include: AZ: ATV HDAZ: DalgaAZ: ARBAZ: ARB 24 HDAZ: ARB GunasAZ: MUZ TVAZ: DUNYAGEO: TRIALETIGEO: AJARAGEO: MARNEULIARM: TV 1ARM: TV 2ARM: Shant Armenia HDARM: ATVARM: Armenian NewsARM: Ararat ArmeniaARM: 21ARM: Azdarar TVARM: Film ZoneARM: Hay TVARM: LUYS TVARM: ...
The following channels have been added to BULGARIA bouquet: BG: Diema Sport FHDBG: Diema Sport 2 FHDBG: 100 Automoto TVBG: 78 TVBG: Agro TVBG: Auto Motor Sport HDBG: BH TVBG: BNP TVBG: CBS RealityBG: Cherno MoreBG: CIBG: Da Vinci LearningBG: DIVABG: Fine LivingBG: KHL FHDBG: Light ChannelBG: Light FHDBG: MoviestarBG: Nick JRBG: RodinaTVBG: ...
The following channels have been added to SWEDEN bouquet: VIP SE: Ultra Nature 4KVIP SE: Sport Expressen TVVIP SE: MotorTrend HDVIP SE: Dplay Extra 1 [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: Dplay Extra 2 [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: Dplay Extra 3 [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: Dplay Extra 4 [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: Dplay Extra 5 [Live ...
We've added new channels to the MYNMAR bouquet: VIP MYM: MWDVIP MYM: MWD DOCUMENTARYVIP MYM: MWD FamilyVIP MYM: MWD MOVIESVIP MYM: MWD SERIESVIP MYM: MWD ShoppingVIP MYM: MWD VarietyVIP MYM: Fresh NewsVIP MYN: Mahar BawdiVIP MYN: Mahar TVVIP MYN: Mizzima TVVIP MYN: MRTVVIP MYN: MRTV 4VIP MYN: Myanmar InternationalVIP LS: 69 TVVIP LS: Lao Champa ...
We've updated and added new channels to the BELGIUM bouquet. Some of the new channels are: VIP BE: Eleven Pro League 1 FHDVIP BE: Eleven Pro League 2 FHDVIP BE: Eleven Pro League 3 FHD BELGIUM Full Channel list is: VIP BE: Eleven Pro League 1 FHDVIP BE: Eleven Pro League 2 FHDVIP BE: Eleven Pro League 3 FHDVIP BE: ELEVEN SPORT 1VIP BE: ELEVEN ...
The 24/7 CHANNELS bouquet have been fixed. The new lineup is the following: 24/7: 24 Hours In Police Custody24/7: 60 Days In24/7: 999 Whats Your Emergancy24/7: A Series Of Unfortunate Events24/7: Almost Human24/7: Altered Carbon24/7: American Chopper24/7: American Dad24/7: American Pickers24/7: Auf Wiedersehen Pet24/7: Avatar24/7: BadGirls24/7: ...
We've updated and added new channels to the THAILAND & CAMBODIA bouquet. Some of the new channels are: VIP TH: True Premiere League 1 HDVIP TH: True Premiere League 2 HDVIP TH: True Premiere League 3 HDVIP TH: True Premiere League 4 HDVIP TH: True Premiere League 5 HDVIP TH: True Sports 1 HDVIP TH: True Sports 2 HDVIP TH: True Sports 2 SDVIP ...
We've updated and added new channels to the AUSTRALIA & NZ bouquet. Some of the new channels are: VIP AU: FOX SPORTS NEWS HDVIP AU: Fox Sports 501VIP AU: Fox Sports 502VIP AU: Fox Sports 503VIP AU: Fox Sports 504VIP AU: Fox Sports 505VIP AU: Fox Sports 506VIP AU: Fox Sports 507VIP NZ: Spark Sport 1 FHD (Live During Events Only)VIP NZ: Spark ...
We are glad to announce the new TeleFoot channels on the FRANCE bouquet: VIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium UHD 4KVIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium FHDVIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium HDVIP FR: TeleFoot StadiumVIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium 1 HD [Live During Events Only]VIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium 2 HD [Live During Events Only]VIP FR: TeleFoot Stadium 3 HD [Live During Events ...