The BALTIC (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) bouquet have been updated and 22 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 100 channels. New Channels: VIP EE: 3 Sport 2 FHDVIP EE: 3 Sport 3 FHDVIP EE: 3 Sport FHDVIP EE: 3 Sport Open FHDVIP EE: Esti KanalVIP EE: Esti Kanal PlusVIP EE: Kanal 11 HDVIP EE: Nick HDVIP EE: Prime Fight FHDVIP LT: ...
The OSN - GO-BOX & NETFLIX bouquet have been updated and 101 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 371 channels. New Channels: VIP AR: 4K SAT AFLAM 1VIP AR: 4K SAT AFLAM 2VIP AR: 4K SAT AFLAM 3VIP AR: 4K SAT AFLAM 4VIP AR: 4K SAT CINEMA 1VIP AR: 4K SAT CINEMA 2VIP AR: 4K SAT HENDYVIP AR: 4K SAT HORRORVIP AR: 4K SAT ZAMANVIP AR: ...
The ARABIC FTA - SSC & BEOUTQ bouquet have been updated and 34 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 569 channels. New Channels: VIP AR: Libya Sport 1 HDVIP AR: Libya Sport 2 HDVIP AR: SSC 1 4KVIP AR: SSC 5 4KVIP AR: SSC 6 4KVIP AR: SSC 1 FHDVIP AR: SSC 1 HDVIP AR: SSC 2 FHDVIP AR: SSC 2 HDVIP AR: SSC 3 FHDVIP AR: SSC 3 HDVIP ...
The CZECH & SLOVAKIA bouquet have been updated and 17 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 207 channels. New Channels: CZ: UP NetworkVIP CZ: CANAL+ DOMOVIP CZ: CT 1 JM FHDVIP CZ: CT 3 FHDVIP CZ: Discovery HDVIP CZ: LOVE Nature HDVIP CZ: Ocko Expres HDVIP CZ: Prima KrimiVIP CZ: Televize Natura HDVIP CZ: Viasat History HDVIP ...
The FINLAND bouquet have been updated and 33 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 97 channels. New Channels: FI: Disney +HDVIP FI: C More Sport 1 FHDVIP FI: C More Sport 1 HDVIP FI: C More Sport 2 FHDVIP FI: C More Sport 2 HDVIP FI: V Sport Live 1VIP FI: V Sport Live 2VIP FI: V Sport Live 3VIP FI: V Sport Live 4VIP FI: V Sport ...
The SWEDEN bouquet have been updated and 33 new channels were added. It now includes a total of 233 channels. New Channels: VIP SE: Eurosport 1 HDVIP SE: Eurosport 2 HDVIP SE: Sport Expressen 1 FHD [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: Sport Expressen 2 FHD [Live During Events OnlyVIP SE: Sport Expressen 3 FHD [Live During Events Only]VIP SE: ...
VIP SLO: ARENA SPORT FHD 1 & 2 Channels were added to the SLOVENIA bouquet. Please remember to refresh your m3u playlist or reboot the STB device to see the changes reflected. If you're using the Smart IPTV App, your m3u playlist is probably cached on their servers and the fastest way to refresh it is to deleted the playlist (bottom of ...
The beIN SPORTS bouquet have been updated and 10 new 4k channels were added. It now includes a total of 212 channels. New Channels: VIP AR: Bein Sport Premium 1 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport Premium 2 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport Premium 3 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport 1 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport 2 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport 3 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport 4 4KVIP AR: Bein Sport 5 4KVIP ...
The EX-YU bouquet (Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro & Bosnia and Herzegovina) have been updated and new channels were added. It now includes a total of 403 channels. Full Grid: VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 1VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 2VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 3VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 4VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 5VIP CRO: ARENA SPORT FHD 6VIP CRO: ARENA ...
ESPN Plus Pass 1-20 channel from USA bouquet have been updated. Please remember to refresh your m3u playlist or reboot the STB device to see the changes reflected. If you're using the Smart IPTV App, your m3u playlist is probably cached on their servers and the fastest way to refresh it is to deleted the playlist (bottom of the page) and ...